
Main Page
My Livejournal
Devian Tart


The House That Rebecca Built

Icon Amusements

This is the one spot in all the Web where you can find all of the LJ icons I have up for free use available. If it's not here, or in my icon journal, then it's not for random strangers to use. I don't care if it's creditted to me (beckyh2112, to be specific) or it looks really cool, don't use it.

That being said.... Do credit me if you use one of these icons. (beckyh2112 is the name for LJ icon purposes).

A lot of the brushes I use for making icons are from the lovely community 100x100_brushes. There are also some from Unknown Brushes and 1GreenEye.Net. Credit goes to the wonderful people who make these brushes.

Also special thanks to the equally wonderful community, icon_tutorial. I've picked up some very cool techniques and learned a lot browsing through their memories.

And now, the icons.

Contest Entries

Icons entered in the assortment of icon contests on Livejournal.

Stargate Icons

Icons from Stargate the Movie, Stargate: SG-1, and Stargate: Atlantis.

Transformers Icons

Icons from G1 Transformers, Transformers: Armada, and Transformers: Beast Wars.

Jackie Chan Adventures Icons

*laughs* This icon was spawned by a discussion about GAFF and the kind of fics Heywood brings us. Well, back when Heywood was sane.

Quote: Heywood could exorcise Satan himself.

An oft-repeated catch-phrase, reapplied.

Line is from the Buffy episode that this mask shows up in. I have no idea what inspired me to create this.

That is an actual Flemish Giant rabbit. Ain't life grand?

This was one of my all-time favorite lines from The Prophecy. And trust me, there were a lot of good lines in that movie.

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