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Devian Tart


The House That Rebecca Built

Where No Sprite Has Gone Before

Where No Sprite Has Gone BeforeThe Star Trek episode. The episode that proves to me that bit characters can be some of the most entertaining. Even if they are strongly based on a Vulcan. There are a great many things going for this episode, but this episode happens to be have the only appearance of 'AndrAIa's Log.' It's cute, I admit, but is there a point for it? Beside's giving a background against which Matrix can get mad at his keytool? Does anyone know? Does anyone care? And why do half the Heroes never get named, or if they do get named why don't I ever notice? I have at least three people that I have to call by made-up names, when I use names for them at all. Still, the ones that do get named (Pixel, Powerlock, Giga-girl, E-male, and of course Cursor) are all semi-interesting. Edit: Sakura e-mailed me with the report that the bartender's name is 'Bootie.' I like!

Freezing - The above-mentioned bartender freezing the spectral.

Frozen Spiky Thing - The frozen viral spectral.

Another Shot - A closer shot of the frozen spiky thing.

I'm So Confused - A decent shot of Matrix looking faintly perplexed.

Tear Mending - Spectral-style.

Pixel - The Spock of the Hero Collective. But was Spock ever such a light yellow-green color?

Giving Orders - Cursor talking to Pixel.

Robert Cursor - The late Captain Robert Cursor.

AndrAIa - Just zipping along, with that little black box thingy that she must have borrowed from this system's Principal Office, because she doesn't seem to have it anywhere else.

Talking - The discussion of Bob-dom.

This Chick - That French Hero girl.

Arm-waving - Much arm-waving on Cursor's part.

Still More - More arm-waving from Cursor.

These Two - The cat girl and the above-mentioned French girl.

Pose - AndrAIa and Matrix in a rare moment of self-confidence about that cheerleading game.

Oh, Rob, Shut Up - It's Pixel again! Yay!

Die, Die, Die - Pixel turns away from Powerlock biting the big one.

"There will be peace." - "If not now, then by the next generation."
