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Devian Tart


The House That Rebecca Built


Hex, in her sprite form, messing around with a null. Died: Sacrificed herself to save the Net from Daemon's infection.

Occupation: Chaos Virus

Comments: The Queen of Chaos. Whatever she wants to do, she does. Unless an act of the User occurs, like a Game Cube dropping.

However, Bob defragged her head and gave her a face as opposed to her static masks. She was no longer dangerously insane, and her "Love Bob" complex got a serious exaggerration.

The restart occured. Hex acquired an icon and got scanned by the resident scanning program.

Later, during the battle with Daemon, she used a lot of energy and was transformed into a sprite.

However, when Daemon came to Mainframe, Hex had to charge up with the energy from the core. She returned to her random virus state, and negated Daemon's infection. Unfortunately, that resulted in her total fragmentation across the Net. Which will probably piss Megabyte off.

Hexadecimal's Heritage

Parents: Kilobyte
Siblings: Megabyte
