* * *
"Maliar, called Morerea, settled against one of the ancient walls of Sobekite Eternal. She dripped saltwater, forming a puddle on the floor.
The Queen had sent someone new to the Delegation. This Cardioch seemed skilled at handling the non-siabra of the alliance. Admittedly, he was a Bog siabra. The mannerisms of the Court would never truly leave him.
Perhaps he would be of some use with Smaragaid, though.
She smirked. A mentalist would also prove useful with Sadoma. If she could trust him.
And that was the ultimate problem, wasn't it? He came from the Queen, and the Queen could never be trusted.
Maliar slipped a hand into her pack and withdrew a quill. It was a very odd quill, and she admired it briefly as its magic covered her. The chitin feather had lovely red and gold banding, like most scarab feathers.
Cardioch reported that Venadin had been executed some time ago. Yet, whoever constantly scried her still did so. Luckily, they did not know that she knew of them. They had no idea what she had learned to confuse scrying. She smiled slowly.
"Damn Cliodna for interfering, but the game's not over yet."
The End