One Evening

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Smaragaid leaned against the ornate entrance to the tomb. That had been a close one.

Lady Sariell sighed. "I really must go, pet."

The lurikeen's shoulders slumped. He knew that run through the tomb had not pleased her. "Aye, lady."

"I have a report to draft for the queen."

"Aye, lady."

Lady Sariell sighed again. "We'll go fight another day. Come with me back to the city?"

Smaragaid looked up at her, his eyes wide and sad. If she went back to the city now, it would be weeks before she came out again. "Aye, lady."

She smiled and ruffled his hair. "I'll buy you a hot pie, pet. Will that cheer you up?"

"Aye, lady!" The hot pies from the North Gate Inn were very good.

Lady Sariell laughed merrily. "Good! Let's get you one then."

He followed her as they ran down the hill that the tomb had been built upon. Up ahead, the gates of Tir na nOg loomed.

He passed through the gates without pausing to admire them. He had only been gone from the Bog for a short time, but most of that time had been spent in the massive Seelie city.

Lady Sariell sighed, looking around the inn. "Where is the wait staff today?"

Smaragaid looked up at her as Jarlath attracted her attention.

"You there! See that my pet gets a hot pie!" She nodded with satisfaction as the black-clad 'keen ambled into the kitchen. "It will be ready shortly. Fresh from the oven! I'm going upstairs to write my report."

Smaragaid reached up to touch her staff. "You said you were goin' to stay wit' de delegation earlier?"

She nodded again. "I think so. Anything to get away from the Bog!"

"Well, me sister has ventured up north. Do you think she could meet with the delegation?"

She smiled ruefully. "The Queen? She's met most of them at one time or another, I'm sure."

He blinked up at Lady Sariell. The Queen? "I t'ought we were talkin' about me sister..."

Lady Sariell shook herself. "Oh - of course. I was lost in thought. Your sister, hmm? Which one?"

"Jareel. De ot'ers have no reason ta leave de Bog."

She frowned slightly. "Perhaps not."

Smaragaid frowned slightly, as well. Jareel was his favorite sister. "Why not?"

"I don't think the others would understand."

He nodded. That was perfectly reasonable. "Dey have a hard enough time wit' normal 'keens."

Lady Sariell nodded. "Yes, I've noticed." She tapped her lips thoughtfully. "Hmm. Well, I'd best get to my report."

"Aye, lady."

"Enjoy your pie, pet. Tomorrow you may spend with your sister."

He clambered onto one of the stools and turned to watch her climb the stairs. "T'ank you, lady."

After his pie, he slipped into Lady Sariell's room. She didn't mind him spreading his bedroll on the floor while she was in town.

He ran a hand through his red hair when he found her asleep at her desk. Lady Sariell had been pushing herself much too hard lately.

After much difficulty, he man-handled her into her bed without accidentally waking her.

Sighing, he rubbed at the back of his green gloves. He would have to talk to Garnaid. His hands had begun to hurt lately, even more than before Garnaid made him these gloves....

The End
