Gem of Visions

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Maliar read over the note carefully. Lord Isliffell did not wish this sort of thing spread about, eh?

Too damn bad.

She reached out with her Glamour, infusing the symbol she had added to the scrying stone earlier. She sighed as the weight of the geas surrounding the stone faded. The geas had affected her so that she would never be able to speak of what she saw within, but she knew a few tricks.

She removed a pearl from her pack and two pointed ears. Carefully, she laid the pearl next to the stone. Taking an ear in each hand, she gave herself to the Glamour.

Hours, minutes, seconds later, her hands were empty and the pearl glowed ever so faintly.

Her smile was almost triumphant as the light faded from around the pearl.

"Let it never be said that I waste any resource," she murmurred before picking up the now-empty scrying stone. It had outlived its useful lifespan and crumbled at her touch.

The End
