Naive Breakdown

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A/N: This particular ficlet takes place in a Transformers: Cybertron AU, where the Stunticons are natives to the planet of Speedia. A lot has happened since they first showed up, but Wildrider is Clocker's boyfriend and Dead End went off with Red Alert and Hot Shot to learn how to be a better medic.

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Breakdown sat patiently up on the jacks while Dead End examined his undercarriage. Nearby, Red Alert sat with his back to the two of them. He was meant to be supervising, but having him watch made Breakdown nervous. The brothers were still close enough that when one of them got nervous, the others picked up on it. Having Dead End's hands shivering was deemed to be 'bad'.

Getting a tuneup from a mechanic he trusted was very nice, though. Boring, unfortunately, but he hadn't seen Dead End in months. They had a lot of catching up to do. "So, what have you and Red Alert been doing?"

"Playing doctor," came the reply.

Red Alert fumbled and dropped the circuitboard he had been looking at.

Breakdown flicked his headlights to show a nod. "Red Alert really is teaching you to be a doctor then?"

"Oh, he is."

"That's good. Motormaster thought he might have just taken you off to be his catamite."

Red Alert spluttered.

