* * *
Breakdown swerved through a hail of laserfire, only a few blasts spattering against his shields. Most of them tore up the highway, which slowed down the pursuing Autobots. He flashed his high-beams in rapid mockery as the Autobot comm frequency erupted in chatter. He couldn't make out what they said through the encryption, but it was a safe bet Air Raid and Fireflight were getting yelled at.
A little thing like Prowl's ire wouldn't keep them from chasing down the Stunticon, though. After all, he had an injured, practically crippled, Megatron in his front seat. Well, on the floor now and yelling at him about his driving, but Breakdown mostly tuned that out.
The Lamborghini wanted to grin when the two hotshots really lit up their engines. In ten seconds, they'd be practically on top of him. So, they wanted to ram him rather than causing more property damage with their blasters? That was just...
He threw himself into reverse and let his engine really hum. He zoomed backwards between the Aerialbots, threw himself forward again into overdrive, and flashed between them once more. Two passes from his engine-vibrations did the job, and the Aerialbots' engines died.
They descended gracefully, trying for a belly-landing. Best thing they could do, really, but Breakdown had been there to pick up the pieces after Ramjet got forced down like that. Sure, they wouldn't die if they did this, but they'd have lose that momentum somehow-
They hit the ground and skidded along on their bellies to either side of him, metal screaming as it was torn off. The Aerialbots were screaming, too, but the Autobot comm frequency had gone dead.
Breakdown put his pedal to the metal as the Autobot frequency exploded with noise.